His Holiness Pope Francis Appoints Father Michel Jalakh, MECC Honorary Secretary General, as the New Secretary of the Dicastery for the Oriental Churches in the Vatican

Father Michel Jalakh, the new Secretary of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches 

Until now Rector of Antonine University in Baabda, Lebanon, Father Michel Jalakh previously served as Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches.

By Vatican News

Lebanese Maronite priest Father Michel Jalakh, O.A.M., until now rector of the Antonine University in Baabda, Lebanon, has been appointed by His Holiness Pope Francis as the new Secretary of the Dicastery for the Oriental Churches.

Born on 27 August 1966 in Baouchrieh, Father Jalakh made his first religious profession in the Antonian Maronite Order on 15 August 1983, and was ordained a priest on 21st April 1991. From December 2000 to July 2008, he served as Secretarial Attaché at what was then the Congregation for the Oriental Churches. He received his Doctorate in Ecclesiology from the Pontifical Oriental Institute in Rome in 2008.

From 2013 to 2018 he was Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches and a member of the Commission for Ecumenical Relations of the Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops Assembly in Lebanon. A lecturer at Antonine University in Baabda, he became Rector in 2017.

Last year, on the 21st November, His Holiness Pope Francis appointed the new Prefect of the Dicastery for the Oriental Churches: Archbishop Claudio Gugerotti, 67, who until then served as Apostolic Nuncio in Great Britain. The prelate began his service on 16 January of this year.

This news was originally published on the Vatican News website.


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Sa Sainteté le Pape François Nomme Père Michel Jalakh Honoraire Secrétaire Général du Conseil des Eglises du Moyen-Orient, Nouveau Secrétaire du Dicastère pour les Eglises Orientales au Vatican