His Beatitude Patriarch John X Presides Over the Nativity Divine Liturgy at the Mariamiyah Patriarchal Cathedral in Damascus, Syria

You can find videos and some photos at the end of the text.

Damascus, Syria, December 24, 2023

His Beatitude Patriarch John X, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and All the East, and MECC President for the Orthodox Family, celebrated the Nativity Divine Liturgy at the Mariamiyah Patriarchal Cathedral in Damascus, assisted by His Grace Bishop Ioannis (Batach) and the Rt. Rev. Archimandrite Philip Vsevolodovich, Representative of the Russian Church to the Antiochian Church in Damascus, along with many priests and deacons.

In his Homily, His Beatitude wondered at the beginning whether we have truly embraced Nativity. He emphasized the meanings of Nativity, saying, "Nativity is peace, joy, salvation, and light."

However, when we look around us, we ask, "Where is the peace? Where is the tranquility?" Everyone is complaining, and everyone's eyes shedding tears! So, where is Nativity?

Today, the invitation to us is to look at our fellow human beings as human beings and to wish for them what we wish for ourselves. This is the true meaning of Nativity.

He also prayed for all the afflicted, the suffering, and the pained, for the kidnapped metropolitans of Aleppo, for the peace of the entire world, and for our brothers in Gaza and the wounded land of Palestine…

This news was originally published on the Facebook Page of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East. Please click here to read the full text.

Homily of His Beatitude Patriarch John X at the Nativity Divine Liturgy 2023

Nativity Divine Liturgy 2023 at at the Mariamiyah Patriarchal Cathedral in Damascus, Syria


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