His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa Issues a General Appeal

Following the painful events happening in Gaza, His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, issued a new general appeal published on the website of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, in which he said:

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

May the Lord give you peace!

Charity and prayer animate the entire extended family of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, especially during times of extreme hardship. Many lives were saved and much suffering was alleviated thanks to your support in these recent appeals: Covid-19, Gaza 2021; the Beirut port blast; and the Syria and Turkey earthquake

In all of these situations we heard and answered the cry of the poor. Once again, their cry is heard in the Holy Land because of the war that has been raging now for over three weeks.

The current crisis has caused not only death, destruction and hunger in Gaza, but also high unemployment, especially in the Bethlehem area, and other social issues all over the Holy Land. We are facing a crisis that affects countless families from different religions and all our institutions including schools, hospitals and parishes. In Gaza, our material resources have been extended beyond our walls to include our suffering neighbors and to those who took refuge in other locations. The spirit of coordination was evident as local players also extended a helping hand. We share practically everything from food and water to medicines and supplies. We have learned in this difficult time that to rebuild the physical world we must build and protect trust between people.

Hundreds of people from all over the world have contacted us and have helped us to offer concrete support. We know what we need to do, as we have done with all our heart in previous crises, and we will undoubtedly do it again. Please help us to make a concrete difference and to build the necessary environment so that, in this society scarred by hatred, we may again sow the seeds of trust, of hope and of love.

Be assured of my prayer and gratitude for each of you!

In Christ,

+ His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Pierbattista Pizzaballa

Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem

Given in Jerusalem on November 2, 2023

Subject: Donations for Appeal – November 2023

In Palestine:

Checks should be paid to the order of “Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.”

Bank transfers details:

BANK OF PALESTINE P.L.C.- Bethlehem Branch

Bank No: 89

Swift Code: PALSPS 22


Reference: General Appeal – November 2023

IBAN NO: PS60PALS045003928000013000000 (currency-USD)

PS45PALS045003928000993000000 (currency-NIS)

PS65PALS045003928000333000000 (currency-EUR)

PS28PALS045003928000293000000 (currency-JOD)

Tel: 972 02 2756300 email: info@bankofpalestine.com

In [Israel]:

Checks should be paid in the name of Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Bank transfers details:

Mercantile Discount Bank Ltd. - Salah Eddin Branch

Branch No. 0638


Beneficiary’s name: Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

Address: 0 Jerusalem Jaffa Gate -PO BOX 14152, 91141

Reference: General Appeal – November 2023

IBAN NO: IL500176380000056646897 (currency-USD)

IL040176380000058168976 (currency-EUR)

IL060176380000056465620 (currency-NIS)

In Jordan:

Checks should be paid to the “Finance Committee Latin Patriarchate.”

Bank transfers details:

Jordan Ahli Bank, Amman – Jordan

Sweifieh Branch

Benficiary name: Finance Committee – Latin Patriarchate

Account No.: 46 01 301014 110801 01

IBAN: JO 05 JONB 046 000 01 301014 110801 01 (currency: JOD)


Reference: General Appeal – November 2023

From all other areas (Europe/ US/etc.):

Checks should be paid to the order of “Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.”

Bank transfers details


Bank address: Christoph str. 35 50670 Köln

Bank code: 37060193


Beneficiary’s name: Latin Patriarchate

Account no.: 58029017 IBAN: DE16370601930058029017 (EUR)


Account no.:58029025 IBAN: DE91370601930058029025 (USD)

Reference: General Appeal – November 2023

To better trace the bank transfer donations, an email may be sent to appeal@lpj.org with the donation details such as name, amount and bank name where the transfer was made.

For any inquiries regarding this appeal or for further information please contact Mr. George Akroush by email at pdo.dir@lpj.org.

P.S. Cash donations may be sent directly to the Finance Offices in Jerusalem or Amman or the Vicariates in Nazareth or Cyprus.


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