The Tenth Meeting of the Anglican–Oriental Orthodox International Commission

Jordan, 2023

Below is the Communiqué of the Anglican–Oriental Orthodox International Commission which held its tenth meeting in Jordan in October 2023:

The Anglican–Oriental Orthodox International Commission held its tenth meeting in Jordan from the 24th to the 27th October 2023, thanking the Most Revd Dr Hosam Naoum, Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, for his gracious hospitality.

Consideration had been given to the appropriateness of travelling to Jordan in a time of war in the wider region. It was decided that the meeting should go ahead, as a sign of solidarity with the local Churches.

The Commission prayed for peace and justice in the region, expressing its deep solidarity with its people. Archbishop Hosam joined a session of the meeting online, briefed the Commission on the situation across the region, prayed with the members and referred to his joint appeal with the Archbishop of Canterbury for prayer for peace and justice. He characterised the conflicts in the region as a potential existential threat to the Churches.

During the dialogue, the Commission engaged in constructive and insightful discussions on crucial aspects of Christian witness and the challenges that confront our communities and their continued existence in some parts of the world.

The original programme of work for the dialogue, set out in 2001, was reviewed, and the opportunity was taken to clarify the way ahead for the work and focus of the Commission in the light of unresolved issues in the Anglican Communion.

Looking to the future, the Commission emphasized the importance of continuing dialogue and cooperation. It decided to refocus the next phase of its work, addressing the ways in which both communions live out their faith in the world’s changing contexts. Areas for future work will include the theological and biblical imperative of Christian life and witness, responsible stewardship, engagement with an often indifferent or hostile world, the patterning of faith and discipleship, and response to migration and the displacement of peoples.

The Commission visited the Baptismal Site at the Jordan River, geographically the lowest place on the earth's surface. From here emerged the new humanity which Christians share through baptism into the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. Those experiencing great trials can therefore know that the Gospel addresses the depths of every human need.

The Commission went on to hear news from the Churches of their experiences, and in particular of experience of oppression, persecution, conflict and war in countries like Eritrea, Ethiopia, Iraq, Libya, Sudan and Syria. It heard first-hand of the struggles and forced displacement of Armenians from Nagorno Karabakh (Artsakh). The Commission expressed its solidarity with sisters and brothers in these regions and prayed for them.

The Commission was welcomed to the Church of the Redeemer in Amman and had the privilege of praying and sharing a meal with local Anglicans and members of ecumenical partner churches.

The Commission continues to ask for God's guidance and protection for the Christians of the region, along with people of all faiths and none, as they navigate profound challenges. Together, the Commission affirms its commitment to stand as a source of support and strength for the Churches of the region and their neighbours, holding them close in its prayers as they persevere with resilience and Faith.

The Commission expresses its hope that the dialogue will continue to bear fruit in the pursuit of greater understanding, co-operation and journeying to the realisation of our Lord’s prayer: ‘that they may be one’ (John 17.11).

27th October 2023

This statement was originally published on the Facebook Page of the Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate.


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