His Holiness Pope Francis renews invitation to pray for His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI in these difficult hours

Pope Francis asks for prayers for the Pope Emeritus  (ANSA)

A statement released by the Director of the Holy See Press Office says the His holiness Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI is in a stable condition.

By Vatican News

Responding to questions put to him by reporters, the Director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, said "The Pope Emeritus managed to rest well last night, he is absolutely lucid and alert and today, although his condition remains serious, the situation at the moment is stable.“

Concern for Benedict XVI‘s health was raised on Wednesday when His Holiness Pope Francis concluded the General Audience with an invitation to the faithful to pray for his 95-year-old predecessor who, he said, is very ill.

Bruni also said Pope Francis "renews his invitation to pray for him [Benedict XVI] and to accompany him in these difficult hours"…

This news was originally published on the Vatican News official website. Please click here to read the full text.


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