Christmas Greetings Between Religious Delegations at the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem

On December 27th, 2022, His Beatitude Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, His Eminence Mgr William Shomali, General Vicar, and His Eminence Mgr Giacinto-Boulos Marcuzzo, Bishop Emeritus, and several priests welcomed at the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem different religious delegations to exchange Christmas greetings. First came the Greek Orthodox, led by the Patriarch His Beatitude Theophilos III, Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Jerusalem, then the Armenians, led by His Eminence Archbishop Sevan Gharibian, Vicar of the Armenian Patriarchate. They were followed by all the other heads of Churches of Jerusalem, who expressed their thanks to His Beatitude Patriarch Pizzaballa and to all for this time of joy and celebration.

To see all the pictures of the greetings, please click here.

This news was originally published on the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.


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