His Holiness Pope Tawadros II Congratulates His Holiness Pope and Patriarch Theodoros II for Christmas

His Holiness Pope Tawadros II congratulated His Holiness Pope and Patriarch Theodoros II, Greek Orthodox Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, for Christmas, which falls today according to the Western Calendar.

On the afternoon of Sunday 25 December 2022, His Holiness Pope Tawadros II visited the Patriarchal Residence in Hamzawy, Cairo. A Church delegation was with His Holiness, and was received by His Holiness Pope and Patriarch Theodoros II, the Greek Ambassador and a number of Metropolitans.

His Holiness Pope and Patriarch Theodoros II welcomed His Holiness Pope Tawadros II and the delegation accompanying him and expressed his appreciation for the visit of His Holiness.

The Church delegation that was with His Holiness Pope Tawadros II included: His Eminence Metropolitan Danial, Metropolitan of Maadi and Holy Synod Secretary, His Grace Bishop Ermia, General Bishop, Bishop Eklemandos, General Bishop of Almaza, Amal City & East Nasr City, His Grace Bishop Mikhael, General Bishop of Hadaia El Qobba & El-Waili, Fr Sergius Sergius, Patriarchal Vicar in Cairo, Fr Kyrollos St Bishoy, His Holiness Pope Tawadros II’s office manager, Fr Moussa Ibrahim, the Church’s spokesperson, Mr Gerges Saleh, Honorary Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches, Deacon Ramy Rezk, from the secretary of His Holiness.

This news was originally published on the website of the Coptic Orthodox Church.


Rejoice, a child is born in Bethlehem:


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