The Christian Youth in Jordan Celebrate the Feast of Jesus the King

JORDAN - Every year, the Christian youth in Jordan celebrate the feast of Jesus Christ the King through several celebrations for different age groups, culminating in a major celebration during which the new logo and the members of the general secretariat committee of the JEC, which is responsible for the activities of all the Christian youth in the parishes of Jordan, were revealed.

Overview of the celebrations in Jordan:

1. The youngest group (primary school)

At the Our Lady of Peace Center, on Friday 28th, October 2022, Fr. Wajdi Twal, the spiritual guide of JEC Jordan, celebrated Mass with the youngest youth group. The day was filled with activities, during which a number of kids acted a scene about a "robot" searching for a character in history who loves children. The children shouted, "it is Jesus Christ, the King of the Universe, who is always with us, wherever we go we can find Him in our churches, homes, in the Eucharist and even during our youth meetings!"

Photography: Alaa Shomali

Report: Janet Handal

2. The second youth group (secondary school)

On Friday 4th, November, 2022, at the Terra Sancta College in Jabal Al Weibdeh, Fr. Wajdi Sahawneh celebrated Mass with an older youth group (12-15 years old). The Mass was co-celebrated by Fr. Marcio Calais and Fr. Wajdi Twal. Through a theatrical act, the youth presented the traits of Jesus Christ the King, which was followed by a spiritual discussion led by Deacon Abdallah Dababneh, entitled "What if Jesus was born today?". Then, in a fun atmosphere, a group of youth participated in a series of competitive games on stage. The meeting ended with Fr. Wajdi Twal's blessing.

Report: Sarah El-Gamal

Photography: Rakan Omari and Jestina Dababneh

3. The third youth group (high school)

Also at the Terra Sancta College, on Friday, November 11th, 2022, Fr. Salam Haddad celebrated Mass along with Fr. Wajdi Twal and Fr. Wajdi Sahawneh with high schoolers. A spiritual talk, "The three keys of happiness", was then given by Fr. A’ref Sahawneh, director of the JEC social committee, about the ways we could live a joyful life. Then the youth enjoyed themselves with fun and games, before the meeting ended with a summary about the plan of the committee responsible for the high school youth group, presented by Fr. Wajdi Twal.

Report: Salem Al-Far

This news was originally published on the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem official website. Please click here to read more.


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