His Holiness Pope Tawadros II Witnesses the ceremony of “The 118th Pope, Between Dreams And Reality”,

A Clerical Celebration of the 10th Anniversary of the Pope

His Holiness Pope Tawadros II, Pope of Alexandria and Patriarch of the See of St. Mark. congregate with the clergy of Alexandria, on the afternoon of Thursday 10 November 2022, at the theatre in the Papal Centre in St. Mark’s Cathedral in Alexandria, with the presence of H.G. Bishop Bavly, General Bishop of Montazah, H.G. Bishop Elarion, General Bishop of West Alexandria, H.G. Bishop Hermina, General Bishop of East Alexandria and Father Abraam Emil, deputy of the Patriarchate in Alexandria.

The clergy celebrated the 10th anniversary of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II’s Enthronement. The celebration started with a musical called “The Well”. Just as Joseph came out of an empty well and was set over all the land of Egypt, and as the Samaritan woman who went out from where the well that was filled with water was to preach, that is how His Holiness came out as leader, patient, wise father and teacher.

Fr Abraam Emil, deputy of the Patriarchate in Alexandria, then spoke about the history of the services of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II and his pastoral works throughout the last 10 years that were dreams and became reality, referring to the Holy Bible: “Who id left among you who saw this temple in its former glory? And how do you see it now? In comparison with it, is this not in your eyes as nothing? Yet now be strong, Zerubbabel,’ says the Lord; ‘and be strong, Joshua, son of Jehozadak, the high priest” (Haggai 2:3-4).

Then H.G. Bishop Elarion talked about the administrative and leadership talents of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II and the work His Holiness does to consolidate the relationship between the Church and the State.

H.G. Bishop Hermina then talked about improving and developing education in the Church and the interest of His Holiness Pope Tawadros II in the education system and to advance the position of the Orthodox Church to be a pioneer in knowledge.

H.G. Bishop Bavly then spoke about His Holiness’ dream in the next 10 years and the experiences of the last 10 years, referring to the number 10 from the Holy Bible.

The Bishops then gifted His Holiness a gift as for the services that have been done in the districts of Alexandria in the past years.

His Holiness Pope Tawadros II then concluded the ceremony with a speech and spoke about “What is the effect of fasting on the spiritual life of a priest”…

This news was originally published on the Coptic Orthodox Church website. Please click here to read the full text.


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