His Holiness Pope Francis to couples: God always with you in joys and difficulties of married life

A couple and the crucifix

As His Holiness Pope Francis announced at the Angelus on the Feast of the Holy Family, he published today an open letter to married couples as part of the Amoris Laetitia Family Year. He encourages families to turn to Jesus who is always near in all the ups and downs of daily family life.

By Devin Watkins

The Church is celebrating the Amoris Laetitia Family Year in the runup to the World Meeting of Families set for 26 June 2022.

As part of that event, and in the midst of the Christmas Season, His Holiness Pope Francis released a letter for married couples across the globe on Sunday.

The Pope first expressed his desire that families feel his “affection and closeness at this very special time,” which has been marked by the Covid-19 pandemic and recurring lockdowns.

“The present situation has made me want to accompany with humility, affection and openness each individual, married couple and family in all those situations in which you find yourselves.”

God’s unconditional love for couples

Pope Francis focused his letter to couples on the constant presence of Jesus in the day-to-day situations of family life. 

He said all couples have set out on a journey—like Abraham—as they leave their parents’ home and build a new life together in matrimony.

“Our relationship with God shapes us, accompanies us and sends us forth as individuals and, ultimately, helps us to “set out from our land”, albeit in many cases with a certain trepidation and even fear in the face of the unknown.”

Yet, he added, our Christian faith reminds us that we are not alone in the challenges of married life, since Jesus is present as time passes, children are born and grow up, and work and illness ebb and flow.

Married couples “set out towards the land that God promises: to be two in Christ, two in one,” said the Pope. “Your lives become a single life; you become a ‘we’ in loving communion with Jesus, alive and present at every moment of your existence.”

“God is always at your side; He loves you unconditionally. You are not alone!”

Listen to the report

Children thirsting for a sign of God’s love

The Holy Father then turned his thoughts to couples with children. He urged parents to live Christ’s love in every interaction, since children are always paying attention and soaking up everything.

“Children are always a gift; they change the history of every family. They are thirsty for love, gratitude, esteem and trust. Being parents calls you to pass on to your children the joy of realizing that they are God’s children.”

The Pope admitted that raising children is no easy task, but that children also “raise” their parents, helping them grow in authority that gives children a sense of security and confidence.

Jesus always in our storm-rocked boat

Pope Francis also urged couples to be active members in their parishes, assisting the Church in her mission of accompanying other families less aware of God’s presence.

“You have the mission of transforming society by your presence in the workplace and ensuring that the needs of families are taken into due account,” he added.

He called marriage a vocation and likened it to a boat on a sometimes-story sea. Jesus, said the Pope, is always either in the boat to calm the sea or walking nearby and awaiting our invitation to climb aboard.

“It is important that, together, you keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. Only in this way, will you find peace, overcome conflicts and discover solutions to many of your problems. Those problems, of course, will not disappear, but you will be able to see them from a different perspective.”

Marriage ‘refuge in pandemic storms’

The Pope went on to reflect on the difficulties and opportunities facing families during the pandemic.

He said recurring lockdowns have forced many families to work, study, recreate, and rest in the same house, a situation he said may be difficult at times.

“The time you spend together, far from being a penance, will be become a refuge amid the storms,” he said. “May every family be a place of acceptance and understanding” …

This report was originally published on Vatican News website. Please click here to read the full text and listen to the report.


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