Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem Issues the Celebrations Program of the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity” 2022 in the Holy Land

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2022

Jerusalem, January 22 - 30, 2022  

Theme: “We saw the star in the east, and we came to worship him” (Mathew 2:2)

The appearance of the star in the sky leads the Magi, and indeed all peoples of the earth, to the place where the King and Saviour is revealed. The Magi are a symbol of the diversity of peoples and of the universality of the divine call, yet they are driven by the same hunger to see the newborn king. Drawn from different cultures, races and languages, Christians share in a common search for Christ and a common desire to worship him and bear witness to him, united beyond all diversities and divisions. It was in the Middle East that the Word of God took root and bore fruit and from where the Apostles set out to preach the Gospel to the ends of the earth. The Churches of the Middle East offer this message to the world, as a call to work together for a future in which all human beings can experience life, justice, and love. The new way between the Churches is the way of visible unity that we all seek with courage and ask the Lord for…

Celebrations Program

This news was originally published on the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem website. Please click here to read the full text.


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