H.H Pope Francis prays for victims of fire in Iraqi hospital
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Fire at al-Hussain coronavirus hospital in Nassiriya, Iraq
In a telegram sent through Cardinal Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State, His Holiness Pope Francis expresses his spiritual closeness to all affected by a fire at a Covid isolation ward of al-Hussein hospital in Nasiriyah, Iraq.
Pope Francis has expressed his sadness over the fire at a Covid isolation ward at the Iraqi hospital al-Hussein hospital in Nasiriyah and offered prayers for the victims and their families and friends mourning their loss.
In a telegram sent by the Secretary of State to Archbishop Mitja Leskovar, Apostolic Nuncio in Iraq, the Pope "sends the assurance of his spiritual closeness to all affected by the tragic fire at the Covid isolation ward of the al-Hussein hospital in Nasiriyah. Deeply saddened, he prays especially for those who have died and for the comfort of their families and friends who mourn their loss." …
This news was originally published on Vatican News website. Please click here to read the full text.