A Moment of Fraternity: Recalling His Holiness Pope Francis’ visit to Iraq


Christian and Muslim leaders come together on Thursday for a webinar to share their insights on the Pope’s historic visit to Iraq at the beginning of March 2021.

Here is the intervention of His Beatitude Patriarch of Babylon for Chaldeans Cardinal Mar Louis Raphael Sako, Patriarch of Babylon for Chaldeans

Thanks to the Higher committee of Human fraternity for organizing of this virtual meeting. I hope that we will reach a vision and a work plan to implement what H. H. the Pope indicated in his speeches and meetings.

The historic visit of Pope Francis to Iraq, 5-8 March 2021, came in the midst of the conflicts, wars, extremist “waves” and the consequences of the Corona pandemic, to carry a “single” influential message: i.e. we are all brothers in spite of our differences, we must respect our diversity and join hands to build a better society. The Pope confirmed that the only way to walk the path of achieving peace stability, freedom and dignity for every human being, as a basis for coexistence is to restrain weapons and no one shall kill others in the name of God.

Today, nearly three months after the visit, I am submitting three practical suggestions that I believe, could be a concrete translation of Pope’s messages to Iraq, and are consistent with both the document of human fraternity signed in Abu Dhabi, and the statement of the supreme Shiite authority, Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, “We are part of you and you are part of us”.

  1. The Role of Clergy. The important role of clergy in guiding people’s behavior cannot be ignored. Renewing the religious discourse is necessary to suit the current reality of religious and national diversity and pluralism in our region. This will help us to get rid of old “inherited stuff” in order to make religions a bridge of understanding, a source of mutual respect, reconciliation, peace and stability in the region and the world. We got fed of hearing some clerics accusing others of being infidels and traitors. This is forbidden and in contrary to religious dogma.

  2. The Role of Education. There is an urgent need to prepare a common unified curriculum that provides an appropriate “brief but fair” introduction to different religions in the region, especially Christianity and Islam, to be based on teaching the fundamentals, commonalities, spiritual and moral values of religions, while presenting examples of ritual worship …

This article was originally published on the Chaldean Patriarchate of Babylon website. Please click here to read the full text.


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