His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Church, visits His Holiness Aram I


On Sunday, April 4th, 2021, His Holiness Aram I received His Holiness Patriarch Mor Ignatius Aphrem II, Patriarch of the Syriac Orthodox Church, accompanied by two patriarchs of the Lebanese Syriac community and two priests. Present to the meeting were also Archbishop Oshagan Choloayan, Archbishop Shahan Sarkissian and Bishop Magar Ashkarian.

During the meeting, they discussed issues pertaining the two churches and focused on potentials to expand the collaborations between them in the Middle East, as well as on strengthening their relations with other churches of the region…

This article was originally published on the Armenian Church Catholicosate of Cilicia, Antelias-lebanon, website. Please click here to read the full text.


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