His Holiness Pope Francis’ prayer intention for April: ‘For fundamental human rights’

Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for the month of April 2021, and urges everyone to pray for those fighting to protect people’s fundamental human rights in all parts of the world.

By Devin Watkins

“Defending fundamental human rights demands courage and determination.”

Pope Francis begins “The Pope Video” for April with this remark, and goes on to describe exactly what he means.

He says he is referring to “actively combatting poverty, inequality, the lack of work, land and housing, and the denial of social and labor rights.”

As a press release from the Pope’s Worldwide Prayer Network points out, the Pope is inviting all people of goodwill to pray for those who “risk their lives fighting for fundamental rights.”

Risking life and limb for others

In the video, the Pope laments that human rights are often not equal for all, saying there are “first-, second-, and third-class people, and those who are disposable.”

Yet, he appeals, fundamental human rights “must be equal for all.” …

This article was originally published on Vatican News website. Please click here to read the full text.


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