Facing Coronavirus, Exceptional Measures for the Holy Week and Easter at the Orthodox Churches


Monastic Church of Saints Constantine & Helen at the Jerusalem Patriarchate

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From April12/25 to April 20/May 3, 2021

Palm Sunday;

Matins and Divine Liturgy of St Chrysostom at 5.00

Vespers at 15:30 

Service of the Bridegroom at 18:15 

Holy and Great Monday;

The Hours and the Pre-sanctified Liturgy at 06.30 

Great Compline at 15:30 

Service of the Bridegroom at 18:15 

Holy and Great Tuesday;

The Hours and the Pre-sanctified Liturgy at 06.30 

Great Compline at 15:30 

Service of the Bridegroom at 18:15 

 Holy and Great Wednesday;

The Hours and the Pre-sanctified Liturgy at 06.30 

Small Compline – Holy Unction at 17:00 

Holy and Great Thursday;

Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great at 04:30 

Service of the Passion at 18:15 

 Holy and Great Friday;

Royal Hours at 08.00 

Service of the Epitaph at 18:30 

Holy and Great Saturday;

The Hours and the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great at 08:00 

Holy Pascha;

Matins & D. Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom at 0:40 am – after midnight

Monday, after the Day of Pascha;

Divine Liturgy at 08:00 


The Typikon Keeper of the Monastic Church

Archimandrite Alexios

Source: Jerusalem Patriarchate

Church of the Holy Sepulchre on the Holy Week

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From April 12/25 to April 20/May 3, 2021


Lazarus Saturday

Patriarchal Vespers: 15:00

Palm Sunday

Patriarchal Divine Liturgy: 08:00

Service of the Bridegroom: 18:15

Holy and Great Monday

Pre-sanctified Liturgy at the Horrendous Golgotha: 08:45

Service of the Bridegroom: 18:15

Holy and Great Tuesday

Pre-sanctified Liturgy at the Horrendous Golgotha: 09:00

Service of the Bridegroom: 18:15

 Holy and Great Wednesday
Pre-sanctified Liturgy at the Horrendous Golgotha: 09:00

Holy and Great Thursday

Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great at St. James Cathedral: 06:30

The Service of the Sacred Washing of the Disciples’ feet at the Holy Courtyard: 09:00

The Service of the Passion 18.15

Holy and Great Friday

The Royal Hours at the Horrendous Golgotha: 10:00 am

Patriarchal Vespers: 15:00

The Epitaph Service: 21:00

Holy and Great Saturday

The Service of the Holy Light: 13:00

The Service of the Resurrection: 12:00 midnight

Easter Sunday

The Service of the second Resurrection: 13:00


The Master of Ceremonies of the Patriarchate 

Archimandrite Bartholomew

Source: Jerusalem Patriarchate

Jordan: Council of Heads of Churches issues statement on Holy Week


Munir Bayouk/ en.abouna.org:

Dear brothers and sisters,

We wish you blessed fasting and feasts,


In pursuant to the "controversy" regarding the partial opening of churches during the Holy Week, the Council of the Heads of Churches in Jordan convened a session on Wednesday, April 21, 2021, in the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in Amman. During the meeting, a thorough discussion took place in light of the currently issued Defence Law and the epidemiological situation.

After a thorough follow-up and coordination with the Jordanian government and the concerned authorities, the following arrangements have been agreed upon:


*Good Friday, April 30: All churches in the Kingdom will be closed, provided that common prayers will be live-streamed on social media networking sites within each diocese, in the absence of worshipers in compliance with the applied lockdown.

*Palm Sunday, April 25: Churches will be open in the morning until 11:00am.

* The Holy Week prayers will be performed as specified in each Church, according to the permitted time and in compliance with the partial lockdown regulations.

*Easter Sunday, May 2: Churches will be open in the morning until 11:00am.


The Council of the Heads of Churches in Jordan stresses the need to adhere to all precautionary measures, and to fully comply with the regulations issued by the competent authorities regarding lockdown duration which we hope will help preserve the health and safety of everyone.


Happy feasts to you, as well as to Jordan's people and leadership.

The Council of Heads of Churches in Jordan


Source: Abouna website


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