Our Lady of Peace Center and Catholic University of Milan organize conference for autism


By: abouna.org

JORDAN - On Thursday, April 8, 2021, Our Lady of Peace Center for people with disabilities, affiliated to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, in collaboration with the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, organized a virtual conference about Autism Spectrum Disorder, in which participated a selection of scholars, to address the most prominent scientific and therapeutic developments in Autism, especially concerning speech therapy and rehabilitation.

During the opening session, professor Riccardo Redaelli, Director of the Center for Research on the Southern System and Wider Meditteranean (CRISSMA), of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, observed that this virtual conference comes in conjunction with World Autism Awareness Day which falls on April 2 of each year. 

His Beatitude Pierbattista Pizzaballa, Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, gave thanks to the organizers of this prominent initiative, touching upon the circumstances following the pandemic which revealed inequality between people around the world, especially regarding the right to access health services.

Patriarch Pizzaballa shed light on the importance of the conference which will help provide further inspiration by people of relevant expertise, in order to take the necessary steps and raise awareness regarding people with disabilities. The conference will also draw attention to new ways and methods to promote awareness and integration in the Jordanian society. 

The Bishop of Jerusalem expressed his gratitude towards the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart for its support to the Latin Patriarchate through the center of Our Lady of Peace, which was established in 2004 to provide free daily services in a loving and welcoming environment to those with disabilities, regardless of their religious, social and economical backgrounds, hoping this conference will be the first for more initiatives and activities for the benefit of the Jordanian society at large.

Professor Franco Anelli, Rector of the Catholic University of Milan, thanked the organizers of this virtual conference and the people following him on the internet, noting that the existing cooperation between the university and Our Lady of Peace Center will go on, for it is also part of the approach and identity of the university, which is celebrating the centenary of its establishment this year, in presenting its message of solidarity, commitment and international cooperation. 

For his part, Marco Caselli, Director of the University Center for International Solidarity (Cesi), noted that the center was established in 2006 aiming to coordinate all the initiatives and programs launched by the Catholic University of Milan at the international cooperation level …

This article was originally published on the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem website. Please click here to read the full text.


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