His Beatitude Patriarch John X Presided over the Divine Liturgy in Dubai

This news is also available in Arabic.

On Friday morning, November 26, 2021, His Beatitude Patriarch John X, the Greek Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch and all the East presided over the Divine Liturgy at the Church of Annunciation in Dubai. He was assisted in His service by His Grace Gregorios Khoury, Bishop of the Emirates and Patriarchal Vicar and a number of priests and deacons.

The liturgy was attended by the Ambassador of Romania, Mr. Adrian Macellaro, the Consul of Romania, Mrs. Nicoletta Teodorovici, the Ambassador of Serbia, Mr. Stanimir Vukisevic, the Hungarian Ambassador, Mr. Osama Nafaa, the Consul of Lebanon, Mr. Assaf Doumit, and the representative of the Greek Ambassador, Mr. Dimitrios Tomopoulos, the Director of the Commercial Office at the Embassy, the President of the University of Balamand, Dr. Elias Warraq as well as many believers.

At the end of the mass, His Beatitude John X expressed, in his sermon, the depth of His joy for being among His children in Dubai, and the magnificence of the meeting, wishing them all the best and blessings. He stressed the importance of adhering to Christian values and morals, and the necessity of cohesion among the members of the Christian family amid the chaos nowadays and the dissolution of the concept of the family.

This news was originally published on the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East’ Facebook page. Please click here to read the full text.


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