Religions for Peace World Council Statement: On the Occasion of World Refugee Day – Every Action Counts

Religions For Peace World Council

We, as leaders of the world’s religious and spiritual traditions: Indigenous Spirituality, Zoroastrian, Jain, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Jewish, Christian, Islamic, and Bahai, honor the World Refugee Day with our renewed commitment to advancing dignity for all, especially the need to actively care for the most vulnerable among us.

At this time of global pandemic, we are deeply concerned about the disproportionate impacts on the world’s most vulnerable populations. UNHCR estimates that 1 out of every 100 people in the world fled their homes, and every minute 20 people leave everything behind to escape war, persecution or terror. Today, the number of forcibly displaced persons exceeds 79.5 million – more than the entire population of some countries.

These numbers are overwhelming – and it is important to remember that these represent real people whose lives have been torn apart, leaving their homes, family, jobs and schools behind.

Refugees often live in very high population-density conditions, that makes it extremely difficult to physically distance themselves. One out of every three refugees lives in refugee camps located in remote areas with limited health care facilties. We have also seen how refugees are contributing on the frontlines of the pandemic, despite living in extremely vulnerable conditions.

Our faiths call us to open our hearts and our communities to refugees. Our voices and our acts of welcome through our oldest and longest standing institutions and services, and in our homes and communities, are more critical than ever during this time of crisis. Because everyone can make a difference and every action counts.

We stress that using the pandemic as an excuse to increase xenophobia and stigmatization, and/or as an excuse for repressive policies for refugees and migrants, is wrong. Misinformation and divisive political rhetoric around refugees and migrants contributes to growing hostility and xenophobia.  We commit to overcoming such divisive rhetoric, as well as any discrimination and stigmatization amongst our own religious communities and institutions.

We also recognize that countless acts of compassion and solidarity towards refugees, including multi-religious actions, are taking place every day. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Religions for Peace’s national and regional Interreligious Councils are providing life-saving messages, supporting the most vulnerable, countering stigma and discrimination, and offering spiritual, psycho-social, primary healthcare, housing, education, as well as paying deliberate attention to the needs of children (including the girl child), women, the elderly, and those living with disabilities. Refugees with professional health and other skills have become involved in the response – thereby becoming a part of the solutions to this crisis. These multi-religious efforts need to be intensified, supported, and taken into consideration to influence policy and shape local and national debates around refugee and migrant concerns. 

We call on host governments and the international community to ensure that refugees have access to medical services and treatment – including psycho social care – without discrimination. Testing and services must be provided to everyone regardless of whether an individual is a national or a refugee.  As this pandemic has demonstrated, exclusion costs while inclusion pays.  We also urge high-income countries to fund the now even more dire needs of refugees and migrants in low and middle income countries.

On World Refugee Day, Religions for Peace, through its 90 national and 6 regional affiliated Interreligious Councils/Platforms, and the Interfaith Youth and Women’s bodies, renews its committment to systematically engage with one another, and to serve the partnerships with UNHCR offices, in intensifying multi-religious advocacy and action for the protection and well-being of refugees. This is our moral imperative, because every action counts. 


Religions for Peace World Council

Dr. Vinu Aram, Director, Shanti Ashram; Co-Moderator, RfP

Shaykh Abdallah Bin Bayyah, President, Forum for Promoting Peace in Muslim Societies, Abu Dhabi; Co-Moderator, RfP

H.E. Metropolitan Emmanuel Adamakis, Metropolitan of France Ecumenical Patriarchate; Co-Moderator, RfP

Rev. Kosho Niwano, President-Designate, Rissho Kosei-Kai; Co-Moderator, RfP

Mr. Robert A. Boisture, President and CEO, The Fetzer Institute; Treasurer, RfP

Prof. Azza Karam, Secretary General, RfP

H.M. Sultan Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar III, Sultan of Sokoto, Sultanate of Sokoto; Co-President, RfP

Hon. Mme. Layla Alkhafaji, Elected Member of Political Bureau-Alhikmah Movement; Former Member of Iraqi Council of Representatives – Parliament; Former International Relations Director – Al Hakim Foundation; Co-President, RfP

Sheikh Usama Al-Sayed Al-Azhari, Al-Azhar Representative; Co-President, RfP

Dr. Mohammad Al-Sammak, Secretary General, Islamic Christian National Dialogue Committee Co-President, RfP; Co-President, RfP

Swami Atmapriyananda, Vice Chancellor of Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda University; Co-President, RfP

H.H. Dah Couchoro Balogoun, President, National Voudon Council of Benin; Co-President, RfP

Most Ven. Phra Brahmapundit (Prayoon Dhammacitto), Former rector, Maha Chulalongkorn Buddhist University; Member, Sangha Supreme Council of Thailand; Co-President, RfP

H.E. Cardinal Charles Bo, Archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar; Co-President, RfP

H.E. Archimandrite Philaret Bulekov, Vice Chairman, Department of External Church Relations, Russian Orthodox Church; Co-President, RfP

Most. Rev. Miguel Cabrejos, President, Latin American Catholic Episcopal Council; Co-President, RfP

Sayadaw Dr. K. Dhammasami, Oxford Buddha Vihara; The International Association of Buddhist Universities; Co-President, RfP

Most Ven. Kotugoda Dhammawasa, Supreme Patriarch of Amarapura Nikaya; Co-President, RfP

Ayatollah Ahmad Moballeghi, Rector, University of Islamic Religions of Iran; Co-President, RfP

Dr. Souraya Bechealany, General Secretary, Middle East Council of Churches; Co-President, RfP

Ms. Bani Dugal, Principal Representative to the United Nations, Bahá’í International Community; Co-President, RfP

Mr. Claudio Epelman, Commissioner for Interfaith Relations, World Jewish Congress; Co-President, RfP

Hon. Ela Gandhi, Trustee, Gandhi Development Trust; Co-President, RfP

Mr. Homi Gandhi, President, Federation of Zoroastrian Associations of North America; Co-President, RfP

H.E. Dr. Nedzad Grabus, Mufti of Ljubjana; Co-President, RfP

Ven. Li Guangfu, President, Chinese Taoist Association; Co-President, RfP

Sheikh Muhammed Yusuf Hallar, Secretary General, Islamic Organization for Latin America and the Caribbean; Co-President, RfP

Sheikh Hamza Yusuf Hanson, Founder, Zaytuna Institute; Co-President, RfP

Rev. Dr. Antje Jackelen, Lutheran Archbishop of Uppsala; Primate of the Church of Sweden; Co-President, RfP

Bishop Margot Kässmann, Former Chairperson, Evangelical Church of Germany; Co-President, RfP

Ven. Hyo Chul Kim, Chairperson, Won Dharma Center in New York; Co-President, RfP

Hon. Mehrezia Labidi-Maiza, First Vice-President, Constitutional Assembly; Secretary, Association for Women’s Progress; Co-President, RfP

Imam Mohamed Magid, Executive Imam, All Dulles Area Muslim Society Center; Chairman, International Interfaith Peace Corps; Co-President, RfP

Prof. Dr. Haedar Nashir, Chair, Muhammadiyah, Indonesia; Co-President, RfP

H.E. Cardinal Dieudonné Nzapalainga, Archbishop of Bangui, Central African Republic; Co-President, RfP

Mrs. Aruna Oswal, Vice President, World Jain Confederation; Co-President, RfP

H.E. Philippe Cardinal Ouédraogo, President, Symposium of African and Madagascar Bishops’ Conferences (SECAM); Archbishop of Ouagadougou; Co-President, RfP

Dr. Elizabeth H. Prodromou, Director, Initiative on Religion, Law and Diplomacy, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University; Co-President, RfP

Prof. Anantanand Rambachan, Professor of Religion, St. Olaf College; Co-President, RfP

Grand-Father Dominique Rankin, Algonquin Hereditary Grand Chief; Co-President, RfP

Chief Rabbi David Rosen, KSG CBE, International Director, Department of Interreligious Affairs, American Jewish Committee; Co-President, RfP

Bhai Sahib Mohinder Singh, OBE KSG, Chairman, Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha; Co-President, RfP

Prof. Dr. Said Aqil Sirad, Chairman, Nahdlatul Ulama; Co-President, RfP

Bishop Mary Ann Swenson, Bishop, United Methodist Church; Co-President, RfP

Serigne Mansour Sy, President, Federation of Islamic Associations of Senegal; Co-President, RfP

Dr. Nayla Tabbara, Co-Founder, Adyan Foundation; Co-President, RfP

H.E. Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Archbishop of Manila, Philippines; President, Caritas; Co-President, RfP

H.H. Shri Shri Sugunendra Teertha Swamiji, Abbot, Sri Puthige Matha Monastery; Co-President, RfP

H.H. Samdech Tep Vong, Great Supreme Patriarch, Kingdom of Cambodia; Co-President, RfP

Bishop Efraim Tendero, Secretary General, World Evangelical Alliance; Co-President, RfP

Master Ven. Yanjue, Executive Vice President, China Buddhist Association; Co-President, RfP

Ms. Maria Lia Zervino, President General, World Union of Catholic Women’s Organizations; Co-President, RfP

Dr. William F. Vendley, Secretary General Emeritus, RfP

H.E. Raymundo Cardinal Damasceno Assis, Archbishop Emeritus of Aparecida, Sao Paulo; Moderator, RfP – Latin America and Caribbean Council of Religious Leaders

H.E. Sheikh Shaban Mubaje, Grand Mufti, Uganda Muslim Supreme Council; Co-Moderator, RfP – African Council of Religious Leaders

Prof. Dr. Din Syamsuddin, Chairman, Advisory Council of Indonesian Council of Ulama; Moderator, Asian Conference of RfP

Rev. Dr. Thomas Wipf, President, Community of Protestant Churches in Europe; Moderator, RfP – European Council of Religious Leaders

Sr. Agatha Chikelue, Co-Chair, Nigerian Women of Faith Network, Nigeria; Secretary of the Interreligious Dialogue Office of the Catholic Archdiocese of Abuja; Chair, International Women’s Coordinating Committee, RfP

Rev. Megumi Wada, Director, International Interreligious Cooperation, Rissho Kosei-kai, Japan; Former Director of General Affairs, RfP Japan; Deputy Chair, International Women’s Coordinating Committee, RfP

Mr. Renz Argao, Community Development Coordinator, University of Santo Tomas Graduate School; Coordinator, International Youth Committee, RfP

Ms. Ana-Maria Daou, Interreligious Dialogue Mapping, Adyan Foundation; Deputy Coordinator, International Youth Committee, RfP

Source: Religions For Peace


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