The Church facing Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Pentecost: Pope to resume Regina Coeli in St. Peter's Square


The Holy See Press Office said on Tuesday that the Pope will celebrate the solemnity of Pentecost on Sunday at 10am local time from St Peter’s Basilica.

Immediately afterwards, at 12.00 noon, Pope Francis will resume the recitation of the Regina Coeli prayer with the faithful from the window of his private study overlooking St. Peter's Square.

Police will be on hand to guarantee safe access, taking care the faithful respect the necessary social distancing measures.

On 8 March the Pope began reciting the Angelus and his General Audiences from the Library of the Apostolic Palace, due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since then, Pope Francis has continued to look out from the window of his private study onto a near empty St Peter’s Square after the Sunday prayer.

Source: Vatican News


The Church facing Coronavirus (COVID-19)


The Church facing Coronavirus (COVID-19)