The Church facing Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Fr. Refat Bader: when the Pope calls for a day of fasting during the month of fasting, it is a sign of great respect and solidarity between Muslim


The Higher Committee of Human Fraternity has called on religious leaders and the faithful around the world to observe a day of fasting, prayers and supplications for the good of all humanity on Thursday, May 14. His Holiness, Pope Francis and Sheikh of Al-Azhar blessed this initiative, and called for having this day abounding with noble initiatives. This day aims to conduct prayers for a unified supplication by a motley of extended human family, so that the Lord would keep the specter of the pandemic at bay.

The initiative comes during the holy month of Ramadan. Furthermore, when the Pope calls for a day of fasting during the month of fasting, it is a sign of great respect and solidarity between Muslims and Christians in the world. This initiative comes at a time when the houses of worship are still closed in several countries, or they have been opened in a few countries with many caveats and instructions that comply with safety and health conditions. Therefore, prayers are lifted up on this day, not merely from houses of worship, but from homes and prior to that from sincere, pure, and pious hearts.

This initiative also coincides with the start of global easing of the restrictions imposed on the people in most countries, which is the stage when everyone and every family in this world realize that they are responsible for protecting themselves and their families after governments as well as army and security services have done a good job in the past months and now is the time to cautiously restore normal life, because the virus till persists worldwide and the needed medicine has not been manufactured. That this why there is a need to pray for the healing of the infected, for the protection of the healthy, and for seeking the Lord’s inspiration so that the scientists working in their laboratories would soon find an effective vaccine that would protect humanity facing the evil of this pandemic.

This call for prayer and fasting has been welcomed by the heads of religions in the world, as great activities are in the offing, yet this call is associated with charity and voluntary work. The sincere prayer and true fasting inevitably lead to good deeds, especially these days towards the destitute who need moral and financial support. The meeting of His Majesty King Abdullah II, may God protect him, with a group of youth volunteers, is an indication of the royal appreciation for every individual or institutional good work undertaken by the homeland volunteers who strive to serve the needy and the poor.

I, hereby, recall what American social activist Frank Seller, whose brother died while performing a humanitarian duty in New York on September 11, and who founded the Tunnels of Towers Foundation in honors of his brother Stephen Siller who died on September 11, 2001. He said in the presence of the US president a few days ago: I have learned faith in the Franciscan School, and I don’t forget what St. Francis said, which I adopt as a slogan for my work every day: "My brothers and sisters, as long as we are on this Earth, and as long as we have time, let us do good for all!"

Long live the human fraternity!

Source: Abouna Website


Pope Francis: St John Paul II a man of prayer, closeness, justice


The Church facing Coronavirus (COVID-19)