The Church facing Coronavirus (COVID-19)

A message from the Christian Conference of Asia (CCA)


“Heal us, O Lord, and we shall be healed…”

The world is facing an unprecedented situation today due to the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). The outbreak of COVID-19 is a loud wake-up call for all countries on our planet. The proliferation of COVID-19 as well as other major epidemics such as SARS, Ebola, Nipah, and MERS since the beginning of this century have shattered several myths about threats arising from new pathogens and diseases that escalate as epidemics. The eruption of these epidemics have proved that such diseases are no longer limited only to densely-populated poor countries, and that wealthy, developed countries are not immune to them. Dependence on higher levels of living standards and apparently well-developed health care systems alone cannot be our sole solution to overcome new pathogens and epidemic-prone diseases.

The emergence of new diseases and the spread of virulent strains are a result of systemic practices and actions by which we exploit the planet and destroy God’s creation. The rapid spreading of viruses and institutional delays in global responses have proved that even sophisticated healthcare systems are not sufficiently equipped to mitigate the damage caused. The spread of COVID-19 has exposed the inadequacy and lack of proper health care management mechanisms and has pushed humanity to the brink of vulnerability.

The gravity of the multiplication of COVID-19 and its impacts on many countries are unimaginable and have not yet been properly quantified. A large number of people around the globe are extremely susceptible. In the span of a few months since the end of December 2019, the total number of confirmed cases has now surpassed 121,000 people in 120 countries worldwide, with over 4,377 deaths reported so far. As of now, people in 25 countries and regions in Asia have been affected by this deadly virus. The crucial conditions which we are currently collectively undergoing is also a reminder for humankind to reflect on the fragility of human life and the ultimate vulnerability of the entire cosmos! Our world needs prayers, cure, and healing especially in the times of this crisis. The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA), in this context, has decided to focus on the theme, ‘God, Heal Us as We are Vulnerable’ for Asia Sunday 2020. We have preared a special liturgy for the Asia Sunday2020. All member churches and councils of CCA as well as the ecumenical partners and churches around the world are encuraged to use this special liturgy in the coming days for their prayers as well as when Asia Sunday will be observed this year on 24 May. As we continue to have faith and trust in God’s love for humankind and divine power to heal, let us continue to pray for health, recovery, and healing. May God hear our prayers, and heal all those who are suffering at times of vulnerability. “Heal us, O Lord, and we shall be healed, save us and we shall be saved, for you are our praise”. (Jeremiah 17:14)

Mathews George Chunakara

General Secretary, CCA

Source: Christian Conference of Asia


The Church facing Coronavirus


The Church facing Coronavirus (COVID-19)