Ethiopia: Tigray Conflict

Citizens pray for peace at a church service in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on Thursday. Photograph: Mulugeta Ayene/AP

Citizens pray for peace at a church service in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, on Thursday. Photograph: Mulugeta Ayene/AP

In the evening of Tuesday, 3 November 2020, reports indicate that Tigray regional special force attacked the northern command base of the Ethiopia Federal army. As a result, Ethiopia Federal military was deployed to restore law and order. The conflict has erupted and is ongoing and even escalating to affect Eritrea.

According to unconfirmed reports from OCHA, the conflict has already resulted in massive internal displacements. According to UNHCR, more than 30,000 refugees from Tigray have already crossed the border to Sudan and their numbers are continuously increasing.  The ACT Ethiopia Forum stands in solidarity with all affected, and calls for a peaceful resolution, and the immediate stop of the fighting.

In collaboration with other relevant stakeholders, ACT Ethiopia Forum further calls for the establishment of a humanitarian corridor to allow relief operations and the protection of all civilians and humanitarian aid workers.

Ethiopia_Tigray Conflict.


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