The Middle East Council of Churches Organizes a First Aid Training Course for Its Team in Cooperation with the Lebanese Red Cross

You can find some photos at the end of the text.

One of the most prominent strategic goals of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) is to empower its team and develop its skills to expand their mission and enhance its capabilities. The MECC Human Resources Section, with the support of the Secretary General Professor Michel Abs, organized a two training courses with the Lebanese Red Cross – Emergency Medical Services, with the participation of colleagues from the MECC General Secretariat.

The course program included various parts about first aid, how to deal with minor injuries and emergency health conditions, and how to maintain personal and collective safety. The course also provided meaningful and essential experiences for daily life and practical exercises in a lively, interactive, and professional atmosphere.

At the end of the course, the colleagues, who will receive a certificate of participation, expressed their joy at participating in this course, given the diverse information and experiences they had gained.


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