His Eminence Bishop Anba Ermia Receives the MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs

Stressing the Importance of Dialogue and Convergence

Cairo, July 14, 2024


Dr. Michel Abs, the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), concluded his visit to the Arab Republic of Egypt, with the visit of His Eminence Bishop Anba Ermia, General Bishop, President of the Coptic Orthodox Cultural Center and Assistant Secretary General of the Egyptian Family House. Dr. Abs was accompanied by the Journalist Lea Adel Maamary, the MECC Media Church Relations Coordinator. The visit took place at the Center’s headquarters - Cairo.

During the meeting, Dr. Michel Abs spoke at length about the issue of dialogue which MECC is working on it, through conferences and lectures that are being prepared and presented under the title of shared religious spaces.

He also discussed about the topic of media and activating its role through establishing a media network that brings together all Christian media outlets with the aim of exchanging ideas, programs and all purposeful materials. Noting that this work will see the light soon.

In his turn, His Eminence Bishop Anba Ermia praised the effective and fruitful role of MECC, expressing his readiness to cooperate in all available fields. He also presented his vision for in-depth dialogue work between the components of our societies that preserves social peace.

Regarding the issue of media, he welcomed the objective and purposeful work and put all his media capabilities in order to spread the targeted message.

Bishop Anba Ermia also listened to a presentation by the journalist Lea Adel Maamary about the desired and expected aspirations to be worked on in order to face the new technological challenges, the digital revolution, and what is today called artificial intelligence.

The two parties affirmed that “dialogue is an essential mean of ensuring peace in society”, and stressed the “necessity of strengthening the language of dialogue and convergence between other religions.”

At the end of the meeting, His Eminence Bishop Anba Ermia offered new books and publications to Dr. Michel Abs and the journalist Lea Adel Maamary.


Momentum, the Weekly Newsletter from the Middle East Council of Churches


Dr. Michel Abs, the MECC Secretary General, Meets with Reverend Nadi Labib - Cairo