Video - The “Season of Creation” 2024 Begins Worldwide with A Celebratory Ecumenical Prayer Service

The “Season of Creation” 2024 was launched in the world and the Middle East with the theme “To hope and act with Creation” and the symbol of “The firstfruits of hope.” On the occasion, an international Ecumenical celebration, was held online on Sunday 1 September 2024, at the invitation of His Holiness Pope Francis, His Beatitude the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I, His Beatitude Archbishop Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury and Head of the Anglican Church, as well as many Heads of Churches and Ecumenical Leaders from around the world, in addition to the World Council of Churches (WCC), the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), and concerned organizations and institutions.

The celebration, which you can watch on the official “Season of Creation” channel on YouTube, by clicking here, included an Ecumenical Prayer Service and various reflections about the “Season of Creation,” the theme of this year and the meanings it carries.

The Prayer was led by international Christian Leaders who raised their praises and supplications to the Lord Jesus Christ, united in hope, asking God to give them the determination and strength to carry out their environmental mission in order to preserve creation and protect their common home. Noting that the Middle East was present and participating in leading this celebration through Prayers and reflections presented by Bishop Thomas, Bishop of Al-Qusiyah and Primate of the Coptic Orthodox Church, founder of the Anafora Center in Egypt, and Reverend Sally Azar, from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land.

It is worth mentioning that the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) is a member of the Ecumenical Steering Committee charged with preparing the “Season of Creation” guide. This season extends every year from September 1, the Feast of Creation, till October 4, the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi, the Patron Saint of Ecology.


Arabic Guide of the “Season of Creation” 2024

English Guide of the “Season of Creation” 2024


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