Video – Father Dr. Antoine Al Ahmar Talks About the Season of Creation

On Charity Radio TV

Father Dr. Antoine Al Ahmar, Director of the Theological and Ecumenical Department at the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), was the guest of the Journalist Zouhour Abou Mansour, in an episode of her program “Hawana Hawak,” broadcasted on Charity Radio TV, to talk about the “Season of Creation.”

During the interview, which you can watch in the video, Father Dr. Antoine hughlighted the meanings of this Season, its goals, and the theme it carries this year, which is “To hope and act with Creation.” He also discussed about the environmental activities implemented by the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), in addition to the Council’s future aspirations.

Arabic Guide of the “Season of Creation” 2024

English Guide of the “Season of Creation” 2024


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