Video - An Interview with the MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs On Suboro TV as Part of His Tour in the Syrian Arab Republic 

The Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) Dr. Michel Abs, was the guest of the Journalist George Makdis in an episode of “Kel Yom Be Yawmo” (“Each Day By Day”) program, broadcasted on Suboro TV. It was filmed within the framework of his visit to the Syrian Arab Republic, at the channel’s studio in Aleppo. 

During the episode, which you can watch in the video, Dr. Abs highlighted his tour in Syria and the various meetings included in the visit’s program. As well as, Dr. Abs also talked about many affairs related the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), in addition to the most prominent current issues and challenges. 


Video – Highlight On the Various Activities and Programs of the Armenian Protestant Community in Syria 


Video – Interview with the MECC Secretary General Professor Dr. Michel Abs On the Syrian TV Within the Evening of Divine Love, Aleppo