The Season of Creation Comes to Light After International Ecumenical Efforts 

Who is the Committee Charged with Preparing It? 

The Middle East Council of Churches 


The world and the Middle East celebrate the “Season of Creation” between September 1 and October 4 of each year, during which the Ecumenical family unites in Prayer and work for the creation care. For this occasion, every year a special guide for the season is issued including all the details and information about the season and the theme of the year, in addition to Prayers and suggestions for participating in the celebrations... Noting that the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) translates each year this guide, which is available in different languages, into Arabic. 

In this context, it is worth noting that the resources for the “Season of Creation” guide are being prepared by an Ecumenical Steering Committee which is comprised of the World Council of Churches, Lutheran World Federation, Laudato Si’ Movement, Anglican Communion Environmental Network, the Lausanne World Evangelical Alliance Creation Care Network, the World Communion of Reformed Churches, the Middle East Council of Churches, the European Christian Environmental Network, ACT Alliance, A Rocha International, World Methodist Council, and Christian Aid.  

This Committee constitutes an Ecumenical network that is inspired, as it mentioned in the “Season of Creation” guide, by the urgent call from His Holiness Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’, on care for our common home, “for a new dialogue on how we are shaping the future of our planet” and “we require a new and universal solidarity” where the most vulnerable are supported and to enable them to live in dignity.  

Hence, the Ecumenical Steering Committee calls on all believers to join it in these efforts, pointing out that in the “Season of Creation” we celebrate God as Creator and acknowledge Creation as the divine continuing act that summons us as collaborators to love and care for the gift of all that is created. 


Arabic Guide of the “Season of Creation” 2024

English Guide of the “Season of Creation” 2024


You can share your thoughts, suggestions and experiences through the following hashtags:  

#SeasonOfCreationME #MECC #SeasonOfCreation2024 

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“Season of Creation” 2024 Prayer 


Season of Creation 2024: To hope and act with Creation