The MECC Secretary General Professor Dr. Michel Abs 

In the “Season of Creation”: 

“We have to say STOP somewhere to the damage we are inflicting on purpose to the creation, blinded by our greed and lust for profit”

In celebration of the “Season of Creation” 2024 and given its Ecumenical and environmental importance, a group of Heads of Churches and Ecumenical Leaders from around the world addressed words of hope and faith to the international Ecumenical family. These words, which were published in this year’s season guide, emphasized that caring for our common home is not just an environmentalist or technocratic cause, but a more holistic, integral, human, spiritual vision, as well as a matter of integral ecology. 

The Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) Professor Dr. Michel Abs addressed a word on the occasion which is published in the guide. He condemned all the crises, corruption and greed that creation is exposed to. He pointed out, "We should not disappoint the Creator by spoiling His creation, with which He entrusted us from the dawn of the times and keeps protecting us from ourselves. We have to say STOP somewhere to the damage we are inflicting on purpose to the creation, blinded by our greed and lust for profit.” 

Professor Dr. Abs stressed the importance of enhancing environmental awareness and establishing environmental culture in all societies. He said, " We, who are aware of the gravity of the issue, should raise our voice in a relentless attempt to spread this awareness and make it become a part of the daily culture and pattern of behavior of individuals as well as business enterprises. A paradigm shift is of utmost necessity.” 

Therefore, through Prayer, practical advocacy, and sustainable actions, this 2024 “Season of Creation” can prophetically renew our Ecumenical unity and care for our common home. Let us join together this season and be part of this mighty movement to bring about the firstfruits of hope. May we journey together in communion as the People of God to honor our Christian call to care for God’s Creation! 


Arabic Guide of the “Season of Creation” 2024

English Guide of the “Season of Creation” 2024


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