Reverend Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson and Dr. Peter Makari

On a Visit to MECC in Beirut

The Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) Dr. Michel Abs received the President of the United Church of Christ in the USA Reverend Dr. Karen Georgia Thompson, and the Executive Director of the organizations, Global Ministries and the United Church of Christ, on Tuesday 2 July 2024, at the offices of the MECC General Secretariat in Beirut.

During the meeting, Dr. Abs spoke about the mission of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) and the most prominent programs that it is working to implement. He also presented the MECC situation, the strategies it adopts, and its future aspirations in order to achieve the desired ecumenical and humanitarian goals.

In addition, the attendees discussed the difficult circumstances that Palestine is passing through, especially Gaza, denouncing the genocide that the Palestinian people are witnessing, as MECC defines it, as well as the ethnic cleansing they are being subjected to.


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