Video – A Divine Liturgy at the invitation of the Rt. Reverend Archimandrite Damaskinos Alazrai and Presided Over by the Rt. Reverend Archimandrite Jack Khalil

In the Church of the Patriarchal Monastery of St. George, Cairo

At the invitation of the Rt. Reverend Archimandrite Damaskinos Alazrai, Head of the Patriarchal Monastery of St. George of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria and All Africa in Cairo, the Rt. Reverend Archimandrite Jack Khalil, Dean of the Saint John of Damascus Institute at the University of Balamand in Lebanon and President of the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East A.T.I.M.E., presided over the Divine Liturgy, on Sunday 14 July 2024, at the Monastery’s Church.

The Mass was attended by Dr. Michel Abs, the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), Arlette Michel, President of the Good Shepherd Greek Orthodox Association in Heliopolis, and Member of the General Assembly of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), the Journalist Lea Adel Maamary, the MECC Media Church Relations Coordinator, and believers.

Afterwards, there was a tour in the Patriarchal Monastery of St. George and a visit to both the Babylon Fortress and the Greek Orthodox Center for Studies and Dialogue in the Monastery.

In this context, the video report presents some details about the Divine Liturgy, as well as the tour that was held after it. 


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