The MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs Meets with Father Rifaat Bader and Dr. Aude Kawas in Amman
Emphasizing the Importance of Strengthening the Ecumenical Work
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The Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) Dr. Michel Abs visited the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan at the head of a delegation from the Council including the Director of the MECC new office in Amman Father Ignatius Khalifeh, and the MECC Financial Director Ms. Laudy Al Khoury.
Within the visit program, Dr. Abs and the accompanying delegation met with members of the Executive Committee of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), Father Rifaat Bader, the Head of the Catholic Center for Studies and Media and Publisher of Abouna Website, and Dr. Aude Kawas, Head of the Central Committee of Department of Service to Palestinian Refugees at the Middle East Council of Churches, on Monday 3 June 2024, at the headquarters of Greek Orthodox Archdiocese in Amman.
During the meeting, the attendees discussed various issues related to the ecumenical work and ways to enhance it in order to build bridges between Churches and bridge the distances between them. They also talked about the work of the new MECC office in Amman, stressing the need to activate its role in the country. The attendees also discussed the program for the Fiftieth Year of the MECC Founding and the preparations for its celebration that will be held in Jordan.