Launching of the “Season of Creation” 2024 Guide Via an Online Celebration  

Wednesday 5 June - 4 pm Beirut time 

The world and the Middle East are preparing to participate in an ecumenical environmental event celebrated annually during the “Season of Creation.” A season in which Christians unite in Praise of God the Creator, and motivates us to work together to preserve God’s creation. The season extends between 1 September, the Feast of Creation, and 4 October which coincides with the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi. Noting that the “Season of Creation” this year bears the theme of “To Hope and Act with Creation,” and the symbol of "The firstfruits of hope," inspired by the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans (8: 19-25).

In preparation for this ecumenical station, let us participate together, by clicking here, in the international launching ceremony of the “Season of Creation” guide for this year, during a webinar that will be held, with the organization of the Laudato’Si movement, on Wednesday 5 June 2024, at 4 pm Beirut time, coinciding with the World Environment Day.

The celebration will include Prayers, reflections, and interventions that will be delivered by a group of ecumenical leaders from around the world. Father Dr. Antoine Al Ahmar, Director of the Theological and Ecumenical Department at the Middle East Council of Churches, will be one of them.

Hence, the “Season of Creation” calls on us to cling to hope despite all the challenges that surround us, especially the environmental ones, and the necessity of continuing efforts to protect our common home and responding to the cry of creation.


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