Strengthening the Cooperation Between the Middle East Council of Churches and Kairos Palestine

Working Together to Serve the Palestinian People

Within the framework of strengthening the cooperation between the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) and Kairos Palestine, an online meeting was held between the two parties, on Tuesday 25 June 2024, with the aim of enhancing the coordination and joint work in the context of serving the Palestinian people.

From the MECC side, participants were the Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs, the Director of the Theological and Ecumenical Department Father Dr. Antoine Al Ahmar, and the Executive Assistant to the Secretary General Mrs. Caroline Haddad. From the Kairos Palestine side, His Beatitude Patriarch Michel Sabbah, the President of the Kairos Palestine Initiative and the Latin Patriarch Emeritus of Jerusalem, the General Coordinator of the Kairos Palestine Initiative and the Kairos International Coalition for Justice Mr. Rifat Kassis, the Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Beit Sahour, and the Academic Dean of Bethlehem Bible Institute Reverend Dr. Munther Isaac, the Program Coordinator of the Kairos Palestine Initiative Ms. Mays Nassar, and the Advisor and Member of the Board of Directors of Kairos Palestine Mr. Nidal Abu Al Zuluf.

During the meeting, the situation of Palestine and Gaza was discussed, as well as the positions of the Churches in the world regarding the Palestinian issue. In addition, the Kairos Palestine colleagues presented the process of the Kairos Palestine Document and its results, especially in terms of the international support for the rights of the Palestinian people.

Moreover, the attendees stressed the importance of the direction taken by Kairos Palestine in resisting what is happening to the Palestinian people without using any means of violence. They also discussed areas of cooperation between the Middle East Council of Churches and Kairos Palestine in the next phase, where they agreed to issue joint statements and also implement joint activities to raise awareness about the Palestinian issue and the conditions of the Palestinian people. 


With the Blessings and Presence of His Beatitude Patriarch Joseph Al-Absi


Video - A story from Akkar, Lebanon