Video - Bringing Life Back to the Saint Elias Theater in Aleppo Governorate

His Eminence Bishop Ephraim Maalouli Stresses the Importance of the MECC Support

Following the 6 February 2023 Earthquake

More than a year has passed since the earthquake that struck the North of the Antiochian Levant on 6 February 2023. Hence, the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) continues its field relief work in Syria in order to heal the wounds of the affected people and seek to rehabilitate the Churches and their affiliated institutions to help them restore their usual activity.

In the video, His Eminence Bishop Ephraim Maalouli, Greek Orthodox Metropolitan of Aleppo, Alexandretta and Dependencies, recalls the phase in which the earthquake occurred and the response of the Saint Elias Theater in Aleppo Governorate to the disaster, describing the support of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) and its work in bringing life back to the Theater. As well as, Marine Hanoush, Member of the Greek Orthodox Scout in Aleppo, confirms that MECC contributed in resuming the youth activities at the Saint Elias Theater.


Video – A Highlight On the Opening Session


With the Blessings and Presence of His Beatitude Patriarch Joseph Al-Absi