MECC Establishes a Fourth Miron Orchard in the Region
A New Environmental Activity in Lebanon’s Bekaa Valley
You can find some photos at the end of the text.
“How many are your works, Lord! In wisdom you made them all” (Psalm 104: 24)… The Lord created the earth and everything in it, the mountains, plateaus, seas, and all the creation in which we live in and with it. He has entrusted us with a great and important responsibility towards it.
Hence, and stemming from its belief that we are part of all that God has made, and our wellbeing is interwoven with the wellbeing of the Earth, the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) is keen to continue its environmental activity in various countries of the region, emphasizing the necessity of working and praying together in order to protect our common home.
In this context, the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), Theological and Ecumenical Relations Department, EcoJustice Unit, in cooperation with the Danmission organization and the Society of Jesuit Fathers, were able to establish a fourth Miron Orchard in the Middle East, specifically in the Taalabaya region at the Lebanese’s Bekaa Valley. The aim was encouraging agriculture and raising awareness about the importance of taking care of the land.
On this occasion, an environmental celebration gathering was held at the Orchard site, on Thursday 25 March 2024, coinciding with the Feast of the Annunciation. Attendees were Father Mark the Jesuit, Director of Our Lady of Jamhour School, and Father Fadi Al Fahal, Priest of Our Lady of Iblah Church, as well as students from Saint Elias School in Taalabaya, Our Lady of Jamhour School for the Jesuit Fathers, and Our Lady of Iblah Youth.
The celebration began with welcome words from Mr. Charbel Sleiman, the Director of Saint Elias School in Taalabaya, and Father Joseph Nassar, the Jesuit. Then, Archdeacon Garen Yosolkanian, Manager of the MECC EcoJustice Unit, presented an environmental awareness segment, after which the youth of Our Lady of Iblah highlighted their environmental activity in the Bekaa region.
During the gathering, the participants raised their Prayers to the Mother of God, on the intention of peace in the Middle East and all parts of the earth. In addition, they planted some trees.