MECC Implements a Christian Leadership Workshop

As A Follow-Up to the “Spiritual and Psychological Support” Program

Amidst a world burdened by wars, crises, hate speech, injustice..., the Church today faces great challenges, especially in responding to humanitarian emergencies, securing the needs of its children, and supporting the neediest people. Therefore, the Parish servants and their assistants seek to heal the wounds of those affected by the difficult living conditions to help them regain their hope and consolidate their faith. However, they, in turn, are facing many psychological pressures as a result of all the painful situations surrounding them.

In this context, the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), Theological and Ecumenical Department, continues to implement several sessions of the “Spiritual and Psychological Support” program for the Parish servants, and active people working in Churches, in order to support them psychologically and spiritually so that they can complete their mission and perform their mission in a better way.

Hence, the Theological and Ecumenical Department held a follow-up workshop to the previous sessions of the “Spiritual and Psychological Support” program, in cooperation with the Tearfund organization. Attendees were 37 participants who had passed one of the sessions of this program. The workshop took place on Thursday 11 April 2024, at the Sisters of the Two Sacred Hearts High School in Sed El Bouchrieh, Lebanon.

The workshop focused on leadership models in Christianity presented by the Secretary General of the Bible Society in Lebanon Dr. Mike Bassous who spoke about the leader based on the Bible, explaining the character of the Christian leader and the qualities he or she must have. He also highlighted the ways of consolidating this personality and its role in building better societies and a more prosperous future.

This workshop was an opportunity to exchange opinions and experiences, as it contributed to developing the participants’ capabilities and leadership skills, in addition to bridging distances between them and forging new friendships.


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