From Taurus to Gaza, 110 Years Since the Bleeding of the East

A Round Table at the Invitation of the Hayat Al Howayek Foundation for Cultural Studies

Thursday 23 May 2024, at the Independence House in Bchamoun - Lebanon

The MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs Will Participate and Moderate It

Stemming from its belief that the history and massacres of peoples are indivisible, and that the repetition of certain experiences such as wars and genocides indicate patterns that are not coincidental, Hayat Al Howayek Foundation for Cultural Studies invites you to a round table entitled “From Taurus to Gaza, 110 Years Since the Bleeding of the East.” It will be held on Thursday 23 May 2024, from 9:30 am to 4:30 pm, at the Independence House in Bchamoun, Aley District - Lebanon. His Eminence Archbishop Atallah Hanna will participate in the round table, as well as the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) Dr. Michel Abs who will deliver a speech at the opening session and will moderate the gathering.

This round table comes within the framework of meticulous research and critical approaches in order to understand the East’s history and its connection to the present. This round table also constitutes the first of a series of seminars dealing with the history of morphology and demographic engineering in the East, and aims to create interest in related research among graduate students in Lebanese universities. It will also submit recommendations to local and international official parties.


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