MECC Contributes in Enhancing Environmental Awareness in Egypt 

Believing in the importance of environmental awareness, the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) continues its theological environmental missions in various countries of the region to emphasize the necessity of prayer and working together in order to preserve God’s creation that we are entrusted with. 

In this context, the Middle East Council of Churches had an environmental presence within the activities of the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity” in Egypt last March, where the Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) Dr. Michel Abs traveled to the Arab Republic of Egypt to participate in it. He was accompanied by the journalist Lea Adel Maamary, Coordinator of Communication for Church Relations at MECC, and the Archdeacon Garen Yosolkanian, Manager of the EcoJustice Unit at MECC. 

At the end of each prayer held on the occasion of the Week of Unity in various Egyptian regions, several environmental sessions were held in which Archdeacon Garen presented an overview about the “Season of Creation” and its ecumenical prayers. He also met with youth groups in Cairo, Assiut, Alexandria, Old Cairo, and Port Said, as well as with the Ecumenical Youth Committee in Egypt, with the aim of raising awareness about the issue of environmental justice. 

In addition, Archdeacon Garen, with the support of the Egyptian Council of Churches and the Ecumenical Youth Committee, visited many educational centers and research institutes, where he listened to their goals and tasks and motivated those working in them to strengthen environmental activity. Noting that during this period, many orchards were planted in Assiut. 


MECC Implements an Awareness Activity About Gender-Based Violence for A Group of Children in Lebanon 


Momentum, the Weekly Newsletter from the Middle East Council of Churches