Father Michel Jalkh the Antonine Promoted to the Episcopal Rank

The Middle East Council of Churches Congratulates Him

The Media Office of the Patriarchal Edifice - Bkerke distributed the news issued by the Secretariat of the Maronite Patriarchate regarding the promotion of Father Michel Jalkh the Antonine, Secretary of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches in the Vatican and Honorary Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC), to the Episcopal Rank, as it stated:

“His Holiness Pope Francis elevated the Antonine Monk Father Michel Jalakh, Secretary of the Dicastery for the Eastern Churches in the Vatican, appointed since February 2023, to the Episcopal Rank with the title of “Titular Archbishop of Nisibis dei Maroniti.” His Episcopal Ordination will be celebrated in Bkerke on Saturday 8 June 2024. ".

On this occasion, the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) extends its warmest congratulations to Father Jalakh, Honorary Secretary General, wishing him good health and continued success, raising Prayers to God to bless his testimony and his service in the field of the Lord.

As for the personal biography of Father Michel Jalakh, the news issued by the Secretariat of the Maronite Patriarchate indicated that “the new Archbishop was born in Bouchrieh, Lebanon (the Maronite Diocese of Antelias) on 27 August 1966. He entered the Antonine Order and wore the monastic robe in 1983. He made his perpetual vows in 1990 and was ordained a Priest on 8 October 1991. He holds a doctorate in Eastern Church Sciences from the Pontifical Oriental Institute for the Jesuit Fathers in Rome.

He was the Head of the Monastery of Saint Isaiah in Rome and as well as the General Agent of the Order to the Holy See. He was assigned the Presidency of the Antonine University in Lebanon, and was elected as Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches. He is fluent in the foreign languages ​​Italian, French and English. May God bless his service in the Holy See and his Bshopric for His glory and the Good of the Church.

Bkerke, on 8 March 2024.”


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