Developing the Skills of the MECC Team with the Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs

Skills development and capacity building are main objectives that the Middle East Council of Churches is seeking to achieve with its team work in Beirut and in the various countries of the region. This is in order to develop the potential of its members and enhance their professional, cultural, intellectual and spiritual performance.

Within this context, the MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs launched a training program which includes many monthly sessions focusing on the basics of organizational behavior and its foundations, in addition to its importance, especially in the institutions’ management. Thus, Dr. Abs held the first training session on Thursday 2 February 2023, during which attendees were the team work who participated at the offices of the MECC General Secretariat in Beirut and online via Zoom.

The session centered around the foundations of human behavior, the types of values and their system, as well as the acquisition of values and their relations with attitudes and behaviors. The session was characterized by an interaction between the participants and the Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs who presented a detailed explanation and many examples to consolidate the acquired information.

At a later stage, the team will hold workshops in order to apply these concepts to the MECC as an institution and to its human resources.


United In Prayer - Feast of St. Sarkis (Armenian Church)


Momentum, the Weekly Newsletter from the Middle East Council of Churches