An MECC Delegation Visiting His Eminence Sheikh Akl of the Unitarian Druze Community, Sheikh Dr. Sami Abi Al-Muna

Dr. Michel Abs: Reactivating the work of the Dialogue Committee, is a necessity

Headed by its Secretary-General, Dr. Michel Abs, a delegation from the Middle East Council of Churches visited His Eminence Sheikh Al-Aql of the Unitarian Druze Community, Sheikh Dr. Sami Abi Al-Muna, to emphasize the relationship that binds the Council to the Unitarian Druze Community sect alongside its historical role in promoting the dialogue between the various religions and references in Lebanon.

The visit, which took place today, Thursday, August 11th, began with a word from the Secretary-General, Dr. Abs, where he spoke about the firm relations that were always present with Sheikh Al-Aql and the personal bond they shared while being part of the Islamic-Christian Dialogue Committee in Lebanon, in addition to attending meetings and other joint initiatives that took place in cooperation between both sides. The Secretary-General also stressed that the interest in Christian issues does not negate the important need to cooperate with our partners in our homeland.

Sheikh Al-Aql spoke of the importance of the basic values that are embodied in each religion, such as love in Christianity, mercy in Islam, and brotherhood for the Druze Unitarians, while emphasizing the role of the high spiritual references in spreading these values and allowing them to become fundamental for accepting others and reaching a place where we can all live together as brothers. His Eminence also spoke about the differences that may arise between parties in Lebanon and the need to transform the dispute into two basic positions, “neutrality” from everything that leads to dispute, and “partiality” to everything that helps bring thoughts closer.

In this context, the Secretary-General, Dr. Abs insisted on the necessity of reactivating the work of the Dialogue Committee and its dialogue topics, as the Council is currently seeking to strengthen the "Dialogue and Social Cohesion", an initiative being prepared in cooperation with a group of academics, some of whom participated in the meeting.

Father Antoine Al-Ahmar, Head of the Department of Theological Affairs and Ecumenical Relations, emphasized the importance of love, mercy and brotherhood, the core values of the Gospel, and that we in Lebanon are an example of coexistence, especially for countries that do not believe in the idea of religious coexistence.

The meeting was concluded by encouraging continued communication toward achieving the desired goals. The book "Christianity" was presented to His Eminence Sheikh Al-Aql by the Secretary-General in addition to a shield of appreciation on behalf of the Council.



Momentum, the Weekly Newsletter from the Middle East Council of Churches


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