A MECC Delegation Visiting His Beatitude Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rai

And Inviting the Maronite Church to Participate in the “Season of Creation” 2022 Celebrations

The Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches Dr. Michel Abs visited His Beatitude Patriarch Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros Al-Rai, Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and all the East, heading a delegation from the MECC General Secretariat that included the Director of the Theological and Ecumenical Department Father Dr. Antoine Al Ahmar, the Coordinator of the Ecojustice Unit Reverend Rima Nasrallah, and the Coordinator of the Rehabilitation of Social Capital project Professor Laure Abi Khalil. The visit was on Wednesday 10 August 2022, at the Patriarchal edifice in Al Diman, Lebanon.

During the meeting, Dr. Abs gave His Beatitude Patriarch Al-Rai a brief overview of the activities of the MECC 12th General Assembly, which was held under the theme of “Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid” (Matthew 14:27), between 16 and 20 May 2022, at the Papal Logos Center in Egypt. Dr. Abs also presented the most prominent topics and issues discussed during the General Assembly, as well as its results and the future work aiming at implementing the recommendations issued by the Assembly.

His Beatitude Patriarch Al-Rai was also informed by Dr. Abs and the accompanying delegation of the ongoing and latest preparations for the implementation of the "Season of creation" project 2022, after it was launched by MECC for the first time in the region last year. In addition, MECC invited the Maronite Church to host the official celebration that will be held in Lebanon within the activities of the “Season of Creation” 2022. Hence, it is worth mentioning that various celebrations will be organized in many countries of the Middle East.

From his end, His Beatitude Patriarch Al-Rai welcomed the MECC delegation, praising the Council's efforts to achieve the Ecumenical and humanitarian desired goals. His Beatitude also thanked MECC for the invitation and stressed the need for cooperation and coordination together. He also received a draft of the Season of Creation’s booklet for this year, which is issued by MECC every year in Arabic.


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