His Grace Anba Antonios in Beirut and Visited the MECC Headquarters:

The Council Is a Place for Gathering, Harmony and Building Bridges Away from All the Obstacles

On his first pastoral visit to Lebanon following his election as MECC President for the Eastern Orthodox Family at the MECC 12th General Assembly, His Grace Anba Antonios, Metropolitan of Jerusalem and the Near East for the Coptic Orthodox Church, made an Ecumenical tour in Beirut, accompanied by the MECC Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs, today, Monday 4 July 2022. Firstly, His Grace welcomed Dr. Abs at the St. Mary & St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church in Sin El Fil region, in the presence of Father Andraos Al Anthouny, Pastor of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Lebanon, and Deacon Sami Tadros.

Afterwards, His Grace Anba Antonios headed the Coptic Orthodox Church’s delegation, accompanied by the Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs, in a visit to Our Lady Medical-Social Center, affiliated to MECC, in Sabtiyeh region, where he had a look with the team on the various sections of the Dispensary. As well as, His Grace was informed about the MECC Humanitarian, Service and Health field work through the different programs implemented by the Service and Relief – Diakonia Department, Beirut’s Office, aiming at supporting the most vulnerable and neediest groups. This visit included a meeting with the team of the center.

Then, His Grace and the delegation visited with Dr. Abs His Eminence Bishop Georges Saliba, the Curate of Mount Lebanon Syriac Orthodox Archdiocese, at the Archdiocese’s headquarters in Beirut. A fraternal meeting was held, during which they all discussed about the importance of standing together and cooperation between the Churches. At the end, His Eminence Bishop Saliba offered to His Grace Anba Antonios and Dr. Michel Abs a book entitled "Meltho".

Subsequently, His Grace Anba Antonios, visited the headquarters of the MECC General Secretariat in Beirut, in the presence of Dr. Michel Abs, and was welcomed by the team from various departments. Noting that the meeting started with the Prayer of the Sixth Hour of the Coptic Orthodox Church.

The Secretary General Dr. Michel Abs delivered a speech in which he welcomed His Grace Anba Antonios and the accompanying delegation, and said "We are sure that you will give our Council the required attention through all your well known capabilities, activity and spirituality... from this small headquarters compared to the council's work and projects, and through the humble team with great achievements, we communicate with all the Churches of the region and hence with all the Churches of the world, carrying the pain and hopes of the Christians and the people of the region in a Christian-human approach...".

He added, "In this headquarters, the team members are gathering around you today in order to get to know you, exchange ideas and ask you questions. So we count on your patience and knowledge in this context."

Dr. Abs ended his speech, thanking Father Androas Al Anthony for the tireless cooperation and efforts he had made with the Council during the preparations for the MECC 12th General Assembly in Egypt.

On the occasion, His Grace Anba Antonios presented a spiritual intervention during which he stressed on the importance of the Church’s unity, the dwelling place of God with people. He also focused on working together with one heart and one spirit aiming at overcoming the obstacles between the Church families, and thus highlighting the common points that unite them in one faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

Thus, His Grace tackled the MECC role in bridging the distances and breaking the ice between the Churches, as well as breaking down the barriers between them in order to let them unite, communicate together and build bridges. Therefore, His Eminence praised the MECC mission and wished that the Council continue its Ecumenical mission, especially since it is a place of gathering and harmony.

Then, a dialogue and discussion session was held during which the General Secretariat’s team asked His Grace their questions and talked about the concerns of the children and Christians of the region, especially the issue of a unified Easter date and ways to work towards achieving this desired goal.

At the end of the meeting, His Grace Anba Antonios offered to the Middle East Churches Council an Icon of the Holy Sepulcher Church, and presented to the team olive wooden Rosaries as a souvenir from the Holy Land.

Podcast Video - Below you can find the message of His Grace Anba Antonios During His Visit to the MECC Headquarters in Beirut


Standing together in Prayer


Standing together in Prayer