On "Political Chemotherapy"

Dr. Michel E. Abs

Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches

This is not an article on politics; this is an article on what politics can do to humankind and society.

When the doctor decides that there are malignant disease cells in the body and decides to eliminate them, he is certain, and informs the person concerned, that this treatment is a chemical invasion of the human body, targeting disease cells and leaving in his way all forms of expected and unexpected damage to the human body. In short, the therapeutic goal justifies the harmful means, and that collateral damage is inevitable on the path to healing the body.

In politics, it seems that the influential people in this world, who have positioned themselves as judges of humanity, impose on societies what they call sanctions, have adopted this invasive method from within, just as chemotherapy does.

You see them collectively or individually, judge so-and-so that he is a tyrant, and that his people will be in a better condition without him. Hence, they promise this people a better future, and none of that will be achieved. Rather, peoples' situations become worse, and history testifies to that.

On the other hand, you see them, collectively or individually as well, distributing certificates of good behavior to their allies and bestowing bids on them as long as they are in the house of obedience.

The arrogant of this world have invented a new expression for the concept of siege, which carries moral and legal connotations: sanctions!

Sieges are a barbaric act in the eyes of those in power. As for sanctions, they are a disciplinary act that seeks justice; wolf justice, and jungle justice.

However, who "sanctions" whom?

It is the strongest who sanctions the weakest, and the authoritarian who sanctions the helpless.

The strongest invokes the punishment of states, rulers, those he calls tyrants, and for this, he puts a camouflaged embellished siege, which he calls sanctions, on millions of people.

It is the logic of chemotherapy applied in politics.

Dare you invade socially, economically and at its livelihood an entire society in order to target a ruling group, with which you are not satisfied, you who are empowered with money, weapons and the media?

Who gave you this right?

What is the divine reference that set you as ruler of the world?

Have you counted the casualties, the diseased, those whose future you destroyed, the families you dismantled, and the misery you spread as a result of your policy?

We will not remind of the numbers, as the organizations concerned with the matter have already published and publish them continuously, and some of these organizations include honest people of your country.

We only mention that the game has become open to all, understood by the child who suffers with his family from hunger and disease, as understood by the political analyst who specializes in the subject.

You do not target specific groups ruling certain people. You are targeting these peoples themselves, especially those of the Antiochian Levant, who preached to you Christianity behind which you are hiding in order to exterminate these societies.

Yes, you are targeting people, and you know for sure that the first who will be negatively affected by your actions are the people whom you turned into poverty, hunger, disease and homelessness.

The mobile siege camouflaged by “humanitarian” sanctions on “inhuman” governments affected many peoples - and you victimized many countries, but it destroyed the societies of the Antiochian Levant.

What do you call the siege of Gaza? Sanctions?

What do you call the siege of Iraq? Sanctions?

What is the relationship of the infant and the helpless with your geopolitics?

What is the relationship of people to the political and military strategies through which you seek to control the resources of nations?

You target the peoples, not the regimes, and the pretext to “punish” the regimes is nothing but a cover for the destruction of these peoples until they lose all ability to withstand, so they surrender to your will, the consequences of which are known only to those who endured them.

Note in your diary: "Political Chemotherapy" is a new concept for the extermination of peoples, destroying their will and plundering their resources… to be done in sheep's clothing.

You are the false prophets about whom the Incarnate Lord spoke, whose Gospel you do not dare to read nor his commandments!

You are the hypocrites the Master spoke about!

You do not build your houses on the rock as the Lord commanded you, but rather you are preparing for your generations unborn yet a bleak fate!

Has the Lord not commanded you not to store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal?

Is it for the sake for these treasures that you kill children?

We will remain the salt of the earth, and we will be relentlessly defending the weak, the marginalized, and the victims of injustice. We will not stop reminding you that no one is without sin and that rules and legislation are nothing but means to protect the innocent from predators.

Thus the Lord taught us, and thus we will preach in his name, in the name of the salvation preached to us, and in the name of the love with which the sound “invasion” of the world would be.


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