Standing Together in Prayer

Coptic Orthodox Prayer “Fill my heart with your love”:

O Lord Jesus Christ, fill my heart with your love, your faith, and the joy in your commandments and judgments. Grant me the gift of piety, stillness, calmness, and true humility in everything, to be able to live with everyone in meekness and cheerfulness and find grace in their eyes as they find it in mine. O Lord, make me firm in your faith, manifest your will with your servant, and guide me to your kingdom. O Jesus Christ, greater Truth, light up our minds and hearts with your truth according to your will, to know how to walk your path. We glorify you now and forever. Amen.

August 24 - English.png

El Consejo de Iglesias del Oriente Medio le invita a rezar juntos en la apertura de «El Tiempo de la Creación» de este año


The Middle East Council of Churches Is Inviting You to Pray Together in the Opening of this Year’s “Season of Creation”