The Middle East Council of Churches, Beirut office, Supported the People in Need Through Health Aid

Lebanon is witnessing a wave of suffocating crises that are negatively affecting the lives of the Lebanese people and those residing in the country. Therefore, the Middle East Council of Churches exerts its efforts to help the most vulnerable and needy groups at various levels. In the health sector, Our Lady Dispensary team, affiliated to the Council and located in Sabtiyeh - Lebanon, continues providing medication especially to elderly with chronic illnesses who rely on this aid at the end of every month.

In cooperation with the international humanitarian organization Mennonite Central Committee U.S. - MCC, the Service and Relief Department - Diakonia, Beirut office, organized 6 health education classes implemented at the dispensary for 36 women who chose their sessions’ topic on how to deal with the pressures they are facing daily, especially that they are suffering from many repercussions due to the lockdown imposed by the Coronavirus and from the economic crises in the country and loss of work.

Thus, Mrs. Joyce Matar, a licensed nurse at the dispensary accompanied the women in the interactive sessions during which they expressed their feelings and concerns, and are given tools to deal with the stress of their daily lives and subsequently to take care of their mental health. 


World Environment Day and the Role of the Church


”The Middle East in Transition, and the Future and Role of its Christians”