Interview with Dr Souraya Bechealany, MECC Secretary General, on Radio Free Lebanon to discuss about the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity’s appeal

Dr. Souraya Bechealany, MECC Secretary General, was the guest of “Bachar Mech Hajar” program on Radio Free Lebanon (RLL), with the journalist Jana Ghazi to discuss the joint appeal issued by 17 Lebanese faith-based organizations, in response to the Higher Committee for Human Fraternity’s latest initiative, launched under the patronage of his Holiness Pope Francis and His Eminence the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar Sheikh Ahmad Al-Tayyeb. Dr.Bechealany highlighted how Christians and Muslims united on the 14th of May 2020 in prayer, fasting, invocation and charity.

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The "Restoration Fund for rehabilitation of faith-based social services & religious infrastructure damaged during the crisis in Syria” program


MECC In Response to the Global Initiative for “Human Fraternity”: On the 14th of May, let us pray together as Christians and Muslims!