MECC Coronavirus (COVID 19) Weekly Report

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Humanitarian Update No. 34

Reporting period: from 9 to 15 November 2020


          Coronavirus cases: 6613          Active cases: 3607          Recovered: 2665          Deaths: 341[1]


  •  As of 14 November, the Syrian Ministry of Health (MoH) reported 6613 laboratory-confirmed cases,2665 recoveries and 341 deaths.

  •  In northwest Syria (NWS), as of 3 November, 7,059 confirmed cases of COVID-19 were reported, including 42 deaths. Of all cases, 693 (12.2 per cent) were among HCWs.

  • In northeast Syria (NES), 4,978 cases were confirmed as of 4 November, including 758 recoveries and 133 deaths.

  • In GoS-controlled areas of the country,6613 laboratory-confirmed cases have been reported by the Syrian MoH as of 14 November. Of these, 7 were in Ar-Raqqa; 22 in Deir-Ez-Zor; 35 in Al-Hasakeh; 95 in Quneitra; 251 in As-Sweida; 263 in Dar’a; 282 in Hama; 321 in Tartous; 562 in Lattakia; 776 in Rural Damascus; 1006 Homs; 1314 in Aleppo; 1,679 in Damascus.

  • As of 9 November, 211 HCWs have tested positive for COVID-19 in GoS-controlled areas. Of these, 12 fatalities have been reported, while 114 cases remain active.

    Humanitarian actors continue to receive reports that HCWs in some areas do not have sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE). The WHO continues to lead efforts to support increased distribution of PPE where needed to ensure the protection of HCWs.

  • The prevention of transmission in schools continues to prove a challenge as a result of overcrowded classrooms, insufficient qualified teaching personnel, and poor/damaged infrastructure. 303 confirmed COVID-19 cases among school children and teachers and school personnel were reported by the Ministry of Education (MoE) including three deaths. Both WHO and UNICEF, along with Health and Education sector partners, continue to support schools in COVID-19 preventive actions, including through teacher and school health worker trainings, PPE distributions, and infection prevention and control (IPC) measures including increased water trucking and soap distributions.

  • WHO is holding daily meetings in Damascus and weekly Health Sector coordination meetings and operational calls to monitor implementation of the COVID-19 preparedness response plan (PRP). Weekly operational calls on NES are also ongoing, including on enhancing and strengthening preparedness and response efforts at points of entry (PoE) and contingency planning for camps. In NES, the NES COVID-19 Taskforce (TF) continues to oversee collective COVID-19 preparedness and response efforts under the chairmanship of the NES Forum.



Preparedness and Response


  • During the reporting period, new RCCE-supported radio and television spots highlighting key preventive measures, including on proper use of masks and effective hygiene practices, continued to be broadcast.

  • Following widespread wildfires in coastal regions, WHO-supported medical teams provided additional awareness-raising on COVID-19 in Homs and Hama governorates.

  • UNFPA continued awareness raising targeting women, adolescent girls and pregnant and lactating women, including through mobile teams, in clinics, community well-being centers, family protection units and women and girls’ safe spaces, and distributed relevant information, education and communication (IEC) materials in addition to direct engagement through social media groups.

  • More than 300 volunteers were engaged in activities in all governorates to promote Global Hand Washing Day, with an emphasis on COVID-19 prevention.

  • In NWS, During the reporting period, a total of three online webinars were hosted for Syrian health professionals, averaging 70 health professionals per session. The meetings aimed to improve knowledge of the COVID-19 plans and achievement.

    Over 460,000 masks were distributed during the reporting period by over 400 community HCWs, who also distributed awareness-raising messages.

  • During the reporting period, over 4,850 suspected COVID-19 cases and contacts were investigated within 24 hours of an alert being received. Additionally, WHO supported the transport of 630 suspected case specimens to the central laboratories.

  • To enhance surveillance efforts, within the reporting period, WHO supported training of 37 RRT personnel from all 14 governorates, and provided a three-day workshop for 30 surveillance officers.

  • During the reporting period, WHO delivered another 5,800 medical masks to one partner in Hama for HCWs; 6,000 N95 masks and 30,000 protective gowns to isolation centers in Homs, Aleppo and Lattakia; as well as 2,500 goggles, 80 alcohol hand-rubs, and 4,500 face shields in Damascus.

  • Over the reporting period, UNFPA procured and delivered over 515,000 various PPE items to partners, including medical masks, latex gloves and disposable gloves, as well as over 6,000 bottles of disinfectant and surface sanitizer, as well as alcohol-based hand sanitizers and gels. Further, 12 waste bins and 375 boxes of nitrile gloves were delivered.

  • In addition to water trucking, over the reporting period, UNICEF continued operation and maintenance of WASH
    infrastructure (including the provision of 932 metric tons of sodium hypochlorite for water disinfection during the reporting period) across the country.

  • WHO supported 135 training-of-trainer sessions for doctors in Damascus, Tartous, Hama and Aleppo, and further supported the delivery of IPC/PPE items, as well as 40 infrared thermometres for medical teams working with the Ministry of Education.

  • In the reporting period, UNICEF continued to support water trucking in East Ghouta, and support emergency water trucking to Al Hol camp and Al-Hasakeh city, five camps in northern rural Aleppo, and Al Zhouria in Homs (more than 2,600 m3 per day).

  • UN Habitat distributed 30 steel solid waste containers to six municipalities in Rural Damascus for upcoming activities.

  • Over the reporting period, WHO supported 13 one-day trainings for 235 healthcare workers on case management in Homs, Aleppo, Dar’a, AlHasakeh and Quneitra.[2]

Lebanon: COVID-19

Humanitarian Update No. 31

Reporting period: from 10 to 16 November 2020  

Coronavirus cases: 105,430           Deaths: 817           Recovered: 60,416


  • Lebanon started a 2-week lockdown from November 14 till November 30.

  • During this reporting period, Lebanon registered an average of 1678 cases per day.

  • Clashes occurred between ISF units and business owners over the closure of shops due to the lockdown.

  • Hospitals during this period reported they have no more beds for corona patients.


Updated Measures

  • Lebanon extended the general mobilization until 12/31/2020.

  • The Governor of North Lebanon issued Resolution No. 975/2020 on 11/13/2020 requiring public sector employees by to reduce their presence in the office to 25%.

  • The Ministry of Interior and Municipalities issued Decision No. 1432 on 11/12/2020 related to the implementation of the Supreme Defense Council’s decision to close to confront the rise in Corona injuries, from 11/14/2020 to 11/30/2020. The Ministry adopted job cards to prove the identity of the excluded persons during their transportation to and from their work centers.

  • General Directorate of Internal Security Forces was assigned to instruct all units to strictly enforce this decision and suppress violations, especially with regard to wearing the muzzle and to organize arrest records against violators in accordance with the legal principles and regulations in force.

Preparedness and response

  • The Ministry of Public Health opened more special sections for COVID-19 patients in hospitals in Baalbek.

  • The Ministry of Public Health held a meeting to discuss updates on the Smart Health Coverage Card Project.

  • Qatar dispatched 2 planes carrying field hospitals for the sake of treating COVID-19 patients in Tyre and Tripoli.

[1]  Microsoft power MOH, 14 Nov

[2]  OCHA, SYRIA, COVID-19 Response Update No.12, As of 9 November 2020


MECC is implementing awareness raising activities as precautions from the Coronavirus in Syria


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